Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some thoughts

Well, I haven't written any blog posts since I started making my comic (which has been great, by the way) so I thought I'd write a few things.

First of all, I was listening to a Derek Webb CD the other day, and I heard a line that said "Are we trying to build the Kingdom using the Devil's tools?" I think this question is a good one to ask, especially in the light of a lot of the ministry that goes on today. The Kingdom of God cannot be built with the Devil's tools, it is inconsistent. It makes me think of youth ministry where they appeal to a worldly sense of popularity and social status to get people to come to their youth groups, or when churches spend so much money on AV equipment for entertainment instead of meeting peoples needs. I mean, I think keeping up with the times is important, but the Kingdom of God doesn't have the same priorities as the Kingdom of the World, and when the church has worldly priorities, it can't really be building the Kingdom of God.

Anyway, since I've been doing my comic I have been really happy. I LOVE doing it. It is what I have wanted to do my whole live ever since I was a little kid. Even though I'm not getting paid for it, and it's far from being a career, I think if it was my career, I would be a very happy person. I love college ministry too, though, so I guess I'm just a lucky guy to have two things that I enjoy. If I was a cartoonist full time, I would volunteer at a college ministry, and if I was a college minister, I would do cartooning as a hobby. I know that I've been busy with it a lot lately, and so I'm happy that Sara Beth has been enthusiastic and supportive, and always reads new cartoons and gives me her thoughts and opinions. She is the greatest!

Anyway, keep up the good work people. I hope your summer is starting off great!

(by the way: http://bigsandygilmore.smackjeeves.com - my webcomic!)

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